The website promises to provide a recording and search service for anything you’ve seen, heard or said. The service is designed with privacy in mind, storing all recordings locally on your Mac and using automated speech recognition for analysis. The website claims to offer mind-boggling compression for raw recording data, making it possible to store years of recordings even with the smallest hard drive available from Apple today.
Main Benefits
– Complete privacy:
The recordings are stored locally on your Mac, and only you have access to them.
– Mind-boggling compression:
The raw recording data is compressed up to 3,750x times, making it possible to store years of recordings on even the smallest hard drive available from Apple today.
– No cloud integration or IT required:
The service uses native macOS APIs and Optical Character Recognition technology to analyze everything on your screen. There’s no need for cloud services like Gmail or Dropbox.
Possible Use Cases
– Meeting recorder:
Rewind can automatically record meetings, making them easy to search.
– Personal journaling:
Keep a record of your daily activities and thoughts by recording them using Rewind.
– Knowledge management:
Use Rewind to keep track of important information discussed during team meetings or brainstorming sessions.
– Research tool:
Record interviews and research notes for later reference.
AI Edge
Rewind uses Automated Speech Recognition (ASR) technology for analysis, making it possible to search through hours of recorded audio without having to listen back through everything manually. This powerful AI-driven technology allows users to quickly find specific information within their recorded content.