
Soon is an automated investment service that helps you reimburse your daily spending with crypto gains. With Soon, you don’t have to worry about the stress and complexity of investing in cryptocurrency. Soon uses dollar-cost averaging to invest for you, sells your highest gains to cover transactions, sets aside a portion of your gains for taxes, and provides a standard portfolio so you don’t have to spend hours researching what to buy.

Main Benefits

  • No effort, no stress, no complicated setup
  • Manage short-term and long-term investing
  • Increase your buying power
  • Automating sound investing principles
  • Safe, secure, and ethical

Possible Use Cases

  • People who want an easy and hassle-free way to invest in cryptocurrency
  • Individuals who want a more responsible investment approach without having to make all the decisions themselves
  • Those who want to increase their buying power in the near-term by earning more from their investments
  • Anyone looking for a safe and secure way to invest in cryptocurrency that meets all regulatory requirements

AI Edge

Soon leverages AI technology by tracking hundreds of crypto positions each month taken at different prices across different assets. By constantly selling available gains, this strategy can reduce exposure to loss. Soon is designed to keep value in crypto just long enough to take gains but not long enough to miss out on opportunities. Additionally, Soon checks the markets when you spend and aggressively takes advantage of any gains that might be available.
