GitHub – ArjunPrasadSarkhel/Discord-Bot-with-Gpt3 is a service that provides users with a Discord bot powered by Open AI GPT3. It offers features such as forking, starring, notifications, license, code issues and pull requests.

Main benefits of using this service include:

  • Allowing users to create their own Discord bots using GPT3
  • Access to forking and starring features
  • Being able to view notifications as well as code issues and pull requests
  • License to use the service under Apache-2.0 license

Possible use cases of this service could be for creating bots for customer support or automated dialogue generation. It can also be used for text summarization and automated question answering. Leveraging the power of GPT3 text generation allows users to create powerful bots with natural language processing capabilities.


Sarcastic Discord Bot - website homepage screenshot