This template is designed to help you write a professional and effective client offboarding email. It not only provides a structure for you to follow, but also prompts you to add key information that will make your message more personalized and meaningful. By filling in the input fields and following the suggested writing structure, you will be able to craft an email that is both courteous and professional, allowing you to end your relationship with your client on a positive note.


Main Topic:

Client Offboarding Email

Input fields required:

Client's name: {{name_of_client}}
Client's company: {{name_of_client's_company}}
Reason for ending relationship: {{contract_ended, client_is_moving_on, etc.}}
Company name sending email: {{name_of_company}}

Writing structure: 

- Address the reader and thank them for their business: {{generate}} 
- Make them feel that their business was appreciated and explain why the relationship is ending: {{generate}} 
- Wish them well with future endeavors and invite them to return in the future: {{generate}} 
- Sign off in a professional manner: {{generate}}

Using this template

Basic usage of the template:

  • Input all the main data fields in curly brackets
  • Going in order, generate the desired text
  • Don’t be afraid to undo and generate again

Some possible ideas for modification/customization of the template:

  1. Address the reader with a personalized greeting such as “Dear {{name_of_client}}”
  2. Include specific details about the services that were provided and how they benefited the client
  3. Express gratitude for the opportunity to work together and offer to provide future help if needed
  4. Offer a special incentive for them to return in the future
  5. Provide a summary of key takeaways from the relationship and recommendations for how to improve in the future
  6. Ask for feedback on how the company can better serve their clients
  7. Include contact information for members of the team who will be available to assist in any transition questions or needs

Final remarks

This template provides a great starting point for crafting a professional and effective client offboarding email. With input fields to include the necessary information, such as the client’s name and their company, it ensures that all the relevant details are included in the email. With a suggested structure for what should be included in each section of the email, it makes it simpler to craft an appropriate message that leaves the client feeling appreciated and respected. Using this template is a great way to ensure that your offboarding emails are professional, clear and courteous.