ClipCap is a computer vision and pattern recognition service that utilizes CLIP encoding as a prefix to generate image captions. This allows for the creation of textual informative captions to given input images, in an effort to better understand vision-language understanding.

The main benefits of ClipCap include:

  • Utilizing CLIP encoding as a prefix for image captioning
  • Fine-tuning language models for the generation of captions
  • Employing a simple mapping network for the task
  • Leveraging pre-trained semantic features from the CLIP model

ClipCap can be used in a variety of ways, such as providing more accurate descriptions for image data sets, helping generate captions for social media posts, and providing automated captioning for photographs. By harnessing the power of GPT text generation, it can also help users create meaningful descriptions quickly and accurately.


ClipClap - website homepage screenshot