Namelix is a business name generator that uses artificial intelligence to provide you with unique, brandable names that are relevant to your business idea. With Namelix, you can filter results based on whether you prioritize a shorter name, having a specific keyword or domain extension. By saving the names you like, the algorithm learns your preferences and provides better recommendations over time.
Main Benefits
- Generate short, catchy and brandable business names using AI
- Filter results based on your preferences for length, keywords and domain extensions
- Save the names you like and receive better recommendations over time
- Create a unique and professional logo for your business with
Possible Use Cases
- Naming new businesses or products
- Rebranding an existing business or product
- Finding a memorable domain name for your website
- Creating unique social media handles
AI Edge
Namelix’s AI-powered algorithm learns from the names you save, providing you with better recommendations over time. By using natural language processing technology, Namelix generates short and catchy names that are relevant to your business idea. This means that the more you use Namelix, the more personalized and effective its suggestions become. Additionally, Namelix’s partnership with allows users to create custom logos for their businesses using AI-powered design tools.